Seamill Hydro
North Ayrshire

With a wedding taking place on a gloriously sunny afternoon the people
lying on the beach and enjoying the sun are totally unaware of what's
happening above their heads.

One of the problems with aerial photos.
As well as showing all the participants the scene is spoiled by discarded facemasks and what seems to be an Irn Bru bottle, as well as litter in the flowerbeds.
As well as showing all the participants the scene is spoiled by discarded facemasks and what seems to be an Irn Bru bottle, as well as litter in the flowerbeds.

These views are of the extension called the Firth Pavilion built to expand the hotel's
offerings for conferences, functions and weddings. As seen above.

A little closer in and you can see the access for cars (limousines?) and the
attractive gardens. Full external wheelchair access is also included, as you would expect.

The main hotel building. It was too chilly to sit outside in any comfort.