Lanark Clydesdale sculpture
Hyndford Road, Lanark

The sculpture up close. The image has been cleaned up a little to remove the intrusive background.
Nearby information boards give full details of the history of the Clydesdale horse and its association with Lanark.
Nearby information boards give full details of the history of the Clydesdale horse and its association with Lanark.

An aerial view. The information boards are at the top of the photo.

From the south side (looking towards Lanark town) with the identifying sign in view.
This beast was designed and built by CodSteaks of Bristol with funds raised by Lanark Community Development Trust.
Financial contributions came from a variety of sources both commercial and private, including a large proportion from many local people.
This beast was designed and built by CodSteaks of Bristol with funds raised by Lanark Community Development Trust.
Financial contributions came from a variety of sources both commercial and private, including a large proportion from many local people.